
What Is Animal's Scientific Name Of A Panda

Behemothic Panda
Panda at National Zoo in Washington, D.C.

Panda at National Zoo in Washington, D.C.

Conservation status

Status iucn3.1 EN.svg


Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family unit: Ursidae
Genus: Ailuropoda
Species: A. melanoleuca
Binomial proper noun
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
(David, 1869)
Giant Panda range

Giant Panda range


A. melanoleuca melanoleuca
A. melanoleuca qinlingensis

The panda or giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a mammal native to cardinal-western and southwestern China and Tibet, characterized by woolly fur with large, distinctive blackness patches (or nighttime brown in ane subspecies) around the eyes, over the ears, and beyond its round torso. It is classified as a carnivore (social club Carnivora) in the bear family, Ursidae. Though belonging to the order Carnivora, the panda has a diet which is 99 percent bamboo. Pandas may eat other foods such equally honey, eggs, fish, and yams.

The term panda is too used for the red panda, Ailurus fulgens, another generally herbivorous mammal, specialized as a bamboo feeder, but only distantly related to the giant panda. Also known as the lesser panda, the red panda is slightly larger than a domestic cat (55 centimeters long), with semi-retractable claws, and like the giant panda has a "false thumb," which is actually an extension of the wrist bone. It has ruby fur, white face up markings, and a bushy tail with six alternating yellowish-red transverse ocher rings. The red panda is native to the Himalayas in Nepal and southern Cathay.

Panda is likewise a genus of the plant family Pandaceae. The discussion panda is derived from the Nepalese word ponya, which means bamboo and found-eating animals in Nepal.

The giant panda is an endangered animate being; an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 pandas live in the wild (BBC 2006a), with l in captivity outside China and at least 350 reported to live in captivity in mainland Prc (McShea 2015).

The giant panda has had a unique role in recent years, having formed an of import office of the diplomacy of the People's Republic of China (PRC) toward the Due west—cultural exchanges termed "panda diplomacy." Since 1984, notwithstanding, Prc has offered pandas to other nations not as gifts but rather for substantial payments, and with the provision that any cubs built-in during the loan catamenia are the belongings of the People'south Democracy of Cathay.


  • i Description
  • ii Behavior
    • Nutrition
    • two.2 Reproduction
  • 3 Nomenclature
    • three.i Subspecies
  • four Name
  • 5 Uses and human interaction
    • 5.i Panda diplomacy
  • 6 Conservation
  • seven Pandas in zoos
    • 7.1 Northward America
      • 7.ane.ane Notable North American-born pandas
    • 7.two Europe
    • vii.iii Asia
  • 8 References
  • 9 External links
  • x Credits

The giant panda is a favorite of the man public, at least partly because many people find that the species has an appealing "infant-like" cuteness. Also, it is normally depicted reclining peacefully eating bamboo, as opposed to hunting prey, which adds to its image of innocence. However, in reflecting on the adage, "don't judge a book by its comprehend," though the behemothic panda is often causeless docile considering of their cuteness, they have been known to attack humans. This is usually assumed to be out of irritation rather than predatory behavior. Research shows that in cases in which its offspring may be under threat, the panda can and almost often volition react violently.


The behemothic panda has a black-and-white coat. Adults mensurate around 1.five meters long and effectually 75 centimeters tall at the shoulder. Males can counterbalance up to 115 kilograms (253 pounds). Females are generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 100 kilograms (220 pounds). Giant pandas alive in mountainous regions, such as Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Tibet. While the Chinese dragon has been historically a national emblem for China, since the latter half of the twentieth century, the giant panda has also become a national emblem for China. Its image appears on a large number of modern Chinese commemorative silverish, golden, and platinum coins.

Giant pandas are good climbers

The giant panda has a hand, with a "pollex" and 5 fingers; the "thumb" is really a modified sesamoid bone, which helps the panda to hold bamboo while eating. The radial sesamoid, underlying a pad on the panda's forepaw, is elongated and greatly expanded until it approximates the size of the true digits, which grade the framework of another pad (Gould 1980). Gould (1980) in his book, The Panda'southward Thumb, uses the evolution of this "thumb" as show for development, since it is non a completely new or "platonic design," but rather an odd arrangement that results from a natural procedure constrained by history. It offers support for the view, also accepted in some deistic views of creation, that more contempo forms come on the foundation of earlier forms.

The giant panda likewise has a short tail, approximately fifteen centimeters long. Giant pandas can unremarkably live to exist 20 to 30 years old while living in captivity.

The giant panda is considered to be a living fossil since it has aforementioned maintained the same form for millions of years (Maynard 2007).


Until recently, scientists thought giant pandas spent nearly of their lives alone, with males and females meeting merely during the breeding season. Recent studies paint a different picture, in which pocket-size groups of pandas share a large territory and sometimes encounter outside the breeding season.

Similar most subtropical mammals, only unlike nigh bears, the giant panda does non hibernate.


Despite its taxonomic nomenclature as a carnivore, the panda has a diet that is primarily herbivorous; information technology consists almost exclusively of bamboo. However, pandas still have the digestive organization of a carnivore and do not have the ability to digest cellulose efficiently, and thus derive petty free energy and petty protein from consumption of bamboo. The average giant panda eats as much as xx to 30 pounds of bamboo shoots a day. Because pandas eat a diet low in nutrition, information technology is of import that they proceed their digestive tract full. Bamboo leaves contain the highest protein levels; stems take less.

Did y'all know?

The giant panda is classified as a carnivore simply its diet is almost exclusively bamboo

The timber profit gained from harvesting bamboo has destroyed a pregnant portion of the food supply for the wild panda. The panda also has pushed its habitat to a higher altitude and limited bachelor space. Twenty-five species of bamboo are eaten past pandas in the wild, only information technology is hard to alive in the remains of a forest and feed on dying plants in a rugged landscape. But a few bamboo species are widespread at the high altitudes pandas now inhabit. Because of such elements, the population of wild pandas decreased past 50 percentage from 1973–1984 in 6 areas of Asia, all of them in China.

Considering of the synchronous flowering, death, and regeneration of all bamboo within a species, pandas must accept at least two unlike species available in their range to avoid starvation. The panda'southward circular face up is an adaptation to its bamboo diet. Their powerful jaw muscles attach from the tiptop of the head to the jaw. Big molars crush and grind fibrous plant material. While primarily herbivorous, the panda still retains decidedly ursine teeth, and will swallow meat, fish, and eggs when available. In captivity, zoos typically maintain the pandas' bamboo diet, though some volition provide specially formulated biscuits or other dietary supplements.


Contrary to popular belief, giant pandas do not reproduce slowly. Studies have shown no evidence that giant pandas take any problems breeding in their natural habitat (McShea 2015). A female panda may have 2–3 cubs in a lifetime, on average. Growth is irksome and pandas may not reach sexual maturity until they are five to vii years old. The mating season usually takes place from mid-March to mid-May. During this time, ii to five males tin can compete for one female; the male with the highest rank gets the female. When mating, the female is in a crouching, head-down position as the male mounts from behind. Copulation time is brusk, ranging from 30 seconds to v minutes, but the male person may mount repeatedly to ensure successful fertilization.

The whole gestation period ranges from 83 to 163 days, with 135 days being the boilerplate. Babe pandas weigh but ninety to 130 grams (3.2 to 4.6 ounces), which is well-nigh 1/900th of the female parent's weight. Normally, the female panda gives birth to ane or 2 panda cubs. Since baby pandas are built-in very small and helpless, they need the mother'due south undivided attention, so she is able to care for just 1 of her cubs. She commonly abandons one of her cubs, and information technology dies shortly later on nativity. At this fourth dimension, scientists practice not know how the female chooses which cub to raise, and this is a topic of ongoing enquiry. The father has no part in helping with raising the cub.

When the cub is outset born, it is pink, furless, and blind. It nurses from its mother's breast half-dozen–14 times a 24-hour interval for up to 30 minutes each fourth dimension. For iii to four hours, the mother might leave the den to feed, which leaves the panda cub defenseless. Ane to ii weeks after birth, the cub's peel turns gray where its hair will somewhen go black. A slight pinkish colour may appear on the panda's fur, as a event of a chemical reaction between the fur and its mother'due south saliva. A month later birth, the colour pattern of the cub's fur is fully developed. A cub's fur is very soft and coarsens with age.

The cub begins to crawl at 75 to 90 days and the mothers play with their cubs by rolling and wrestling with them. The cubs are able to swallow small quantities of bamboo after half dozen months, though female parent'south milk remains the main nutrient source for most of the first year. Giant panda cubs weigh 45 kg (99.2 pounds) at one year and alive with their mother until they are 18 months to ii years sometime. The interval between births in the wild is generally two years.


For many decades, the precise taxonomic classification of the panda was under debate as both the giant panda and the distantly related scarlet panda share characteristics of both bears and raccoons. All the same, genetic testing suggests that giant pandas are true bears and part of the Ursidae family unit, though they differentiated early on in history from the main ursine stock. The giant panda's closest ursine relative is considered to be the spectacled conduct of South America. (Disagreement still remains near whether or not the red panda belongs in Ursidae, the raccoon family unit Procyonidae, or in its own family, Ailuridae.)

The ruby panda and the giant panda, although completely different in appearance, share several features. They both alive in the aforementioned habitat, they both alive on a similar bamboo diet, and they both share a unique, enlarged bone called the pseudo thumb, which allows them to grip the bamboo shoots they eat.


Hua Mei, the baby panda built-in at the San Diego Zoo in 1999.

Ii subspecies of behemothic panda accept been recognized on the basis of distinct cranial measurements, color patterns, and population genetics (Wan et al. 2005).

  • Ailuropoda melanoleuca melanoleuca consists of well-nigh extant (living) populations of panda. These animals are principally found in Sichuan and display the typical stark black and white contrasting colors.
  • Qinling Panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis is restricted to the Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi at elevations of 1300–3000 meters. The typical blackness and white pattern of Sichuan pandas is replaced with a nighttime brown versus light brown blueprint. The skull of A. k. qinlingensis is smaller than its relatives and it has larger molars.

Proper noun

The proper noun "panda" originates with a Himalayan language, peradventure Nepali. And as used in the West, it was originally applied to the red panda, to which the giant panda was idea to be related. Until its relation to the carmine panda was discovered in 1901, the giant panda was known as mottled comport (Ailuropus melanoleucus) or particolored bear.

The Chinese language name for the giant panda, 大熊貓, literally translates to "large bear cat," or just "bear cat" (熊貓).

Most bears' eyes have circular pupils. The exception is the giant panda, whose pupils are vertical slits like cats' eyes. These unusual eyes, combined with its power to effortlessly scale trees, are what inspired the Chinese to call the panda the "large deport cat."

Uses and human interaction

Different many other animals in ancient China, pandas were rarely thought to have medical uses. In the by, pandas were thought to exist rare and noble creatures; the mother of Emperor Wen of Han was buried with a panda skull in her tomb. Emperor Taizong of Tang was said to have given Japan two pandas and a sheet of panda skin as a sign of goodwill.

The giant panda was first made known to the West in 1869 by the French missionary Armand David, who received a skin from a hunter on March 11, 1869. The kickoff Westerner known to have seen a living giant panda is the German zoologist Hugo Weigold, who purchased a cub in 1916. Kermit and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., became the first foreigners to shoot a panda, on an expedition funded by the Field Museum of Natural History in the 1920s. In 1936, Ruth Harkness became the first Westerner to bring back a live behemothic panda, a cub named Su-Lin (Wadson 2003), who went to live at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. These activities were halted in 1937 because of wars; and for the next one-half of the century, the West knew piffling of pandas.

Gao Gao, an adult male giant panda at the San Diego Zoo

Panda affairs

Loans of behemothic pandas to American and Japanese zoos formed an important role of the diplomacy of the People'south Commonwealth of Prc (PRC) in the 1970s as information technology marked some of the start cultural exchanges betwixt the Red china and the W. This practice has been termed "Panda Diplomacy."

By the year 1984, yet, pandas were no longer used as agents of diplomacy. Instead, China began to offer pandas to other nations only on 10-twelvemonth loans. The standard loan terms include a fee of up to US$one,000,000 per yr and a provision that any cubs built-in during the loan are the holding of the People's Republic of China. Since 1998, due to a World Wild animals Fund (WWF, now known as World Broad Fund for Nature) lawsuit, the U.Due south. Fish and Wild animals Service only allows a U.Due south. zoo to import a panda if the zoo can ensure that Cathay will aqueduct more than half of its loan fee into conservation efforts for wild pandas and their habitat.

In May 2005, the People's Republic of China offered Taiwan (Republic of China) two pandas equally a souvenir (BBC 2005). This proposed gift was met by polarized opinions from Taiwan due to complications stemming from cross-strait relations. And so far Taiwan has non accepted the offer.


Giant pandas are an endangered species, threatened by continued habitat loss and past a very low birthrate, both in the wild and in captivity.

Diverse reports puts the number of pandas currently as either less than two,000 pandas in the wild or perhaps as many as 3,000 individuals (BBC 2006a; Zhu 2006). In 2006, scientists reported that the number of pandas living in the wild may have been underestimated at well-nigh 1,000. Previous population surveys had used conventional methods to estimate the size of the wild panda population, just using a new howdy-tech method that analyzes DNA from panda debris, scientists believed that the wild panda population may be as big as iii,000 (Zhu 2006).

There are also approximately 200 living in captivity in mainland China (Zhu 2006), every bit well as some living in zoos outside of the land.

Pandas have been a target for poaching by locals since ancient times and by foreigners since they were introduced to the West. Starting in the 1930s, foreigners were unable to poach pandas in China considering of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil State of war, but pandas remained a source of soft furs for the locals. The population boom of people in China after 1949 created stress on the pandas' habitat, and the subsequent famines led to the increased hunting of wildlife, including pandas. During the Cultural Revolution, all studies and conservation activities on the pandas were stopped. Later the Chinese economic reform, demands for panda skin from Hong Kong and Japan led to illegal poaching for the black market, acts generally ignored by the local officials at the fourth dimension.

Closeup of a baby 7-month former panda cub in the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan, China.

Though the Wolong National Nature Reserve was gear up by the China government in 1958 to save the declining pandas, few advances in the conservation of pandas were made, due to inexperience and bereft knowledge in ecology. Many believed that the all-time way to salvage the pandas was to muzzle them, and as a result, the pandas were caged for any sign of decline, and they suffered from terrible conditions. Considering of pollution and destruction of their natural habitat, along with segregation due to caging, reproduction of wild pandas was severely express.

In the 1990s, still, several laws (including gun controls and moving residents out of the reserves) helped the chances of survival for pandas. With the ensued efforts and improved conservation methods, wild pandas accept started to increase in numbers in some areas, even though they nonetheless are classified as a rare species.

Recently, the numbers of pandas take been increasing. Although the species is still endangered, it is idea that the conservation efforts are working. As of 2006, in that location were 40 panda reserves in Mainland china, compared to simply xiii reserves two decades ago (BBC 2006a).

Giant pandas are amid the world's virtually adored and protected rare animals, and are one of the few in the world whose natural inhabitant condition was able to gain a UNESCO World Heritage Site designation. The Sichuan Behemothic Panda Sanctuaries, located in the southwest Sichuan province and covering 7 natural reserves, was inscribed onto the World Heritage List in 2006 (BBC 2006b)

Pandas in zoos

Panda in Moscow Zoo on 1964 Soviet Wedlock 2 kopeks postal postage stamp

Keeping pandas in zoos is very expensive, more than than v times the cost of the adjacent most expensive brute, an elephant (Goodman 2006). As noted to a higher place (panda diplomacy), American zoos must pay the Chinese regime $one million a year in fees, part of what is typically a 10-year contract. Cubs born during the loan remain the property of Cathay.

Among zoos which have or take had giant pandas are the following.

N America

Pandas Tai Shan and Mei Xiang in 2006

  • San Diego Zoo, San Diego, California: home of Bai Yun (F), Gao Gao (Chiliad), Mei Sheng (K), and a female cub named Su Lin
  • U.s. National Zoo, Washington, DC: domicile of Mei Xiang (F), Tian Tian (Yard), and a male cub named Tai Shan
  • Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia: home of Lun Lun (F), Yang Yang (M), and a female cub named Mei Lan (F)
  • Memphis Zoo, Memphis, Tennessee: home of Ya Ya (F) and Le Le (Grand)
  • Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico City: habitation of Shuan Shuan, Xin Xin, and Eleven Hua, all females

Notable North American-born pandas

  • Hua Mei, born 1999 in the San Diego Zoo.
  • Mei Sheng, born 2003 in the San Diego Zoo.
  • Tai Shan, built-in July 9, 2005 at the National Zoo in Washington.
  • Su Lin, born August two, 2005 at the San Diego Zoo.
  • Mei Lan, built-in September vi, 2006 at Zoo Atlanta.


Giant panda in Vienna'due south zoo Tiergarten Schönbrunn

  • Zoologischer Garten Berlin, Berlin, Germany: home of Bao Bao, historic period 27, the oldest male panda living in captivity; he has been in Berlin for 25 years and has never reproduced.
  • Tiergarten Schönbrunn, Vienna, Austria: home to three pandas (a male and a female) born in Wolong, Red china in 2000, and their cub born on August 23, 2007 (Oleksyn 2007). The cub was the starting time to be born in Europe in 25 years.


  • Chengdu Research base of behemothic panda convenance, Chengdu, Sichuan, China: home to a number of captive behemothic pandas.
  • Wolong Behemothic Panda Protection and Research Eye, Sichuan, Mainland china: 17 cubs were born here in 2006.
  • Chiang Mai Zoo, Chiang Mai, Thailand: home to Chuang Chuang (M) and Lin Hui (F).
  • Ocean Park, Hong Kong: home to Jia Jia (F) and An An (Chiliad) since 1999. Two further pandas named Le Le and Ying Ying were added to Bounding main Park on April 26, 2007 (Yeung 2018).

Pandas in Japan have double names: a Japanese name and a Chinese proper noun. Three zoos in Nippon show or have shown giant pandas:

  • Ueno Zoo, Tokyo: home of Ling Ling (M), he is the merely panda with "Japanese citizenship."
  • Oji Zoo, Kobe, Hyōgo: home of Kou Kou (Thou) and Tan Tan (F)
  • Risk Earth, Shirahama, Wakayama: home of Ei Mei (M), Mei Mei (F), Rau Hin (F), Ryu Hin and Syu Hin (male twins), and Kou Hin (M). Yu Hin (Thou) went to China in 2004. In December 2006, twin cubs were born to Ei Mei and Mei Mei.


ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 2005. Trial marriages for Taiwan pandas. BBC News, October thirteen, 2005. Retrieved January 15, 2019.
  • British Dissemination Corporation (BBC). 2006a. Hope for future of behemothic panda. BBC News, June xx, 2006. Retrieved January 15, 2019.
  • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 2006b. Pandas gain world heritage status. BBC News, July 12, 2006. Retrieved January 15, 2019.
  • Catton, Chris. 1990. Pandas. New York: Facts on File Publications. ISBN 081602331X.
  • Friends of the National Zoo. 2006. Panda Cam: A Nation Watches Tai Shan the Panda Cub Grow. New York: Simon and Schuster. ISBN 0743299884.
  • Goodman, B. 2006. Eats Shoots, Leaves and Much of Zoos' Budgets. New York Times, February 12, 2006. Retrieved January 15, 2019.
  • Gould, Southward. J. 1980. The Panda's Pollex. New York: W. W. Norton. ISBN 0393300234.
  • Lumpkin, South., and J. Seidensticker. 2007. Behemothic Pandas. London: Collins. ISBN 0061205788.
  • Maynard, S. 2007. Panda granny. Australian Broadcasting Corporation, June 12, 2007. Retrieved January 15, 2019.
  • McShea, B. 2015. Five myths nearly pandas. The Washington Postal service. Retrieved Jan 15, 2019.
  • Oleksyn, V. 2007. Panda gives surprise birth in Republic of austria. Associated Press via U.s.a. Today, August 23, 2007. Retrieved January xv, 2019.
  • Ryder, J. 2001. Little Panda: The Earth Welcomes Hua Mei at the San Diego Zoo. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 068986616X.
  • Schaller, G. B. 1993. The Last Panda. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0226736288.
  • Wan, Q.-H., H. Wu, and S.-G. Fang (2005). A New Subspecies of Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) from Shaanxi, China. Journal of Mammalogy 86: 397–402.
  • Yeung, R. 2018. After eight years of waiting, will Hong Kong'southward Ocean Park encounter its kickoff locally conceived panda cub?. South China Morning Post. Retrieved Jan xv, 2019.

External links

All links retrieved Jan 11, 2019.

  • Giant Panda Information from Animal Diversity.


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