
Were The Animals In The Greatest Showman Real

The a distant relative of the truth, and the picture show is a afar relative of the book.

-Danny Porush, Mother Jones, Dec 10, 2013

Questioning the Story:

Did Jordan Belfort actually run across his hereafter business organisation partner in a restaurant?

Jordan, Nadine, Nancy and Danny
Hashemite kingdom of jordan (left), with his and so wife Nadine, was introduced to Danny Porush (right) via Danny'southward then married woman Nancy (center right).

No. In the movie, Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill) first encounters Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) at a diner after noticing Belfort's Jaguar in the parking lot. He tells Belfort that if he show's him a pay stub with $72,000 on information technology, he will quit his task immediately and beginning working for him. In reality, the existent Donnie Azoff, Danny Porush, was introduced to Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort past his wife, who had met Belfort on the bus during her daily commute to the city. She says that Belfort always gave upwardly his seat for her. She thought he was nice and quickly realized that he lived in their apartment building. She later introduced her husband to him, figuring that Jordan might be able to assistance Danny with his struggling individual ambulette business organisation. Later on just i chat with Jordan, Danny came home and told his wife that he was going to accept the Series 7 exam to get his stockbroker's license. The balance is history.

What was the name of Belfort's brokerage house?

The Wolf of Wall Street true story confirms that, like in the picture, Stratton Oakmont was the name of the real Jordan Belfort'south Long Isle, New York brokerage house. Belfort and co-founder Danny Porush (played by Jonah Hill in the motion-picture show) chose the name because it sounded prestigious ( The firm would afterwards be accused of manipulating the IPOs of at to the lowest degree 34 companies, including Steve Madden Ltd. (their biggest deal), Dualstar Technologies, Paramount Fiscal, D.V.I. Financial, K. H. Meyerson & Co., Czech Industries, M.V.Due south.I. Technology, Questron Technologies, and Etel Communications.

What exactly did Jordan Belfort do that was illegal?

Belfort's Stratton Oakmont brokerage firm ran a archetype "pump and dump" operation. Belfort and several of his executives would buy upward a particular visitor's stock and and then take an army of brokers (post-obit a script he had prepared) sell it to unsuspecting investors. This would crusade the stock to rise, pretty much guaranteeing Belfort and his associates a substantial profit. Soon, the stock would fall dorsum to reality, with the investors begetting a pregnant loss.

How many employees worked for Jordan Belfort'southward brokerage firm?

At its peak in the 1990s, Stratton Oakmont, Belfort's firm that he co-founded with Danny Porush, employed more than 1,000 brokers.

Dwarf Tossing Competition
Danny Porush says the flick's dwarf-tossing scene (above) never happened. Fifty-fifty Belfort's book only discusses it as a possibility.

Did Jordan Belfort really host an in-function dwarf-tossing contest?

No. "We never driveling [or threw] the midgets in the office; nosotros were friendly to them," Danny Porush (the existent Donnie Azoff) says. "There was no physical corruption." Porush does admit that the firm hired little people to attend at least i party. Jordan Belfort's memoir The Wolf of Wall Street just discusses the tossing of lilliputian people as a possibility, non something that actually happened.

During what years did the events in the movie take place?

The events in The Wolf of Wall Street movie took place during the belatedly 1980s and early 1990s. Jordan Belfort and Danny Porush founded the brokerage firm of Stratton Oakmont in the belatedly 1980s. The securities fraud and money laundering charges brought against the firm involved companies that Stratton Oakmont helped raise money for in public stock offerings from 1990 through 1997. In 1996, Stratton Oakmont was banned from the brokerage industry, which eventually forced the company to close its doors.

Was Jordan Belfort really known equally the "wolf" of Wall Street?

No, at least not co-ordinate to the former co-founder and president of the Stratton Oakmont brokerage firm, Danny Porush (portrayed by Jonah Hill in the moving picture). The real Porush says that he is non aware of anyone at the firm calling Jordan the "wolf." Porush says that it's merely 1 of a number of exaggerations and inventions in both Belfort's book and the movie.

Is Matthew McConaughey's character, Mark Hanna, based on a real person?

Aye. In exploring The Wolf of Wall Street truthful story, we learned that Jordan Belfort claims to have met Matthew McConaughey's character's real-life analogue, Mark Hanna, in 1987 when he was working at the quondam-money trading firm of L.F. Rothschild. His new acquaintance was an uproarious senior broker at the business firm and introduced Belfort to the excess and debauchery that Belfort would later make a daily staple at Stratton Oakmont. Similar in the pic, the existent Mark Hanna behind McConaughey's graphic symbol told Belfort that the key to success was masturbation, cocaine and hookers, in addition to making your customers reinvest their winnings and so you can collect the commissions.

Did Jordan Belfort actually abuse cocaine and other drugs?

Yes. In The Wolf of Wall Street motion-picture show, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) is shown snorting cocaine off a prostitute's backside and about crashing his private helicopter while high on a cocktail of prescription drugs, including Quaaludes, morphine and Xanax. In researching The Wolf of Wall Street true story, it speedily became articulate that Belfort used drugs heavily in real life too. In his memoir, he states that at times he had plenty "running through my circulatory system to sedate Guatemala."

Jordan Belfort with the mic in the movie and real life
Jordan Belfort did give speeches like DiCaprio in the movie (left). Right: The real Belfort speaks at a 1994 Stratton Oakmont Christmas party (correct).

Did Belfort actually stand in front end of his employees and give riling speeches with a microphone?

Aye. Belfort was known to stir his troops into action by belting out words of motivation through a microphone. However, his speeches were often filled with more than self-adulation than DiCaprio'south speeches in the pic.

Did a female employee really permit them shave her caput for $ten,000 to pay for breast implants?

The existent Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort claims this is true in his memoir. The female person employee let them shave off her blonde hair for $10,000, which she used to pay for D-cup breast implants. Co-founder Danny Porush also says that the shaving took place, "...the worst we ever did was shave somebody's head and then pay 'em 10 grand for it," says Porush.

Was Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort'south Quaalude dealer in the moving picture, Brad Bodnick (Jon Bernthal), based on a real person?

Yes. The grapheme in the film, Brad Bodnick, who has a goatee and is portrayed past The Walking Dead'south Jon Bernthal, is based on Jordan Belfort's real-life Quaalude supplier, Todd Garret. In his memoir, the real Jordan Belfort claims that Garret sold him approximately x,000 Quaaludes.

Was in that location ever a chimpanzee in the office?

No. According to co-founder Danny Porush (played past Jonah Colina in the movie), the scene where Leonardo DiCaprio'south graphic symbol pals effectually with a chimp is pure monkey business. "There was never a chimpanzee in the office," says Porush. "There were no animals in the function...I would too never abuse an creature in any way" (though he does admit to eating the goldfish, see below).

Did he really almost crash his helicopter in his 1000?

Yep. In his memoir, Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort writes that he was flight his private helicopter while loftier on Quaaludes and virtually crashed it in his yard.

Jordan Belfort helicopter
According to the existent Belfort (right, shirtless), he did nearly crash his private helicopter while loftier on drugs. Leonardo DiCaprio prepares for takeoff in the movie (left).

Did Danny Porush really marry his own commencement cousin?

Yes. According to Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort'southward memoir, the real Donnie Azoff (whose actual name is Danny Porush) did marry his outset cousin Nancy "considering she was a real piece of ass." After twelve years of union, the couple divorced in 1998 later Danny told Nancy that he was in love with another woman ( Danny and his ex-wife share iii children together.

Did Belfort and his colleagues really have drug-addled nights and sexcapades with prostitutes on a near daily basis?

Though the picture and Belfort's memoir might seem like gross exaggerations of the truth, depicting heavy drug use and sexcapades in the office during trading hours, they're non exaggerations at all says the F.B.I. agent who finally took Belfort into custody, "I tracked this guy for 10 years, and everything he wrote is truthful." Kyle Chandler portrays the agent in the Martin Scorsese movie.

Was Belfort really arrested for crashing his Lamborghini while loftier on expired Quaaludes?

Yeah, just co-ordinate to Belfort the automobile wasn't a Lamborghini like in the movie, it was a Mercedes. He was and then high in a drug daze that he couldn't recall causing several dissimilar accidents as he tried to make his way home. In existent life, one of the accidents was a caput-on collision that actually sent a woman to the hospital.

Donnie Azoff eats a goldfish
The existent Donnie Azoff, Daniel Porush, says that he really did swallow a goldfish like Jonah Colina (pictured).

Did Danny Porush really consume a goldfish?

Yep. According to the real Donnie Azoff, whose bodily name is Danny Porush, the scene where Jonah Hill's character eats a goldfish is based on a true story. "I said to i of the brokers, 'If you don't practise more concern, I'm gonna eat your goldfish!'" Porush recalls. "So I did."

Did they really tape money to a woman's body?

In one scene of The Wolf of Wall Street movie, bricks of cash are taped to a Swiss woman's torso. "[I] never taped coin to boobs," the real Danny Porush says (played by Jonah Hill in the moving picture). Co-ordinate to Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort'southward memoir, the effect did happen simply his partner Porush wasn't there.

Was footwear mogul Steve Madden really involved in Belfort's scheme?

Yes. As shown in The Wolf of Wall Street movie, Steve Madden had been a babyhood friend of Belfort'south partner Danny Porush (renamed Donnie Azoff in the movie and portrayed by actor Jonah Hill). Their fondness for drugs and alcohol reunited the 2 of them. During the initial public offering of his footwear company, Steve Madden Ltd., Madden acquired a large number of shares of his company, which were actually being controlled by Belfort and his business firm, Stratton Oakmont. Once shares became available to the public, Stratton Oakmont got down to the business of selling them to unsuspecting suckers. Billing Madden'due south visitor equally the hottest issue on Wall Street, Belfort's brokers in plow drove up the price. Somewhen, Steve Madden was to sell off his shares when the hype was at its peak, just before the stock began its inevitable pass up. Similar to what is seen in the movie, Belfort still maintains that Steve Madden tried to steal his Steve Madden shares from him. However, Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort did make approximately $23 million in 2 hours every bit part of the bargain with Steve Madden, who would subsequently be charged every bit an accomplice to Belfort's scheme.

For his part, Steve Madden was sentenced to 41 months in prison house and was forced to resign equally CEO of Steve Madden Ltd. He also resigned from the company's lath of directors. However, he did not go out the company entirely. He kept his human foot (or shoe) in the door by giving himself the title of artistic consultant, for which he was well-compensated even while he was in prison house.

Did Jordan Belfort actually name his yacht after his wife?

Aye. The real-life yacht was named "The Nadine" after Belfort's married woman, who, like in the picture show, he affectionately referred to as "The Duchess of Bay Ridge." In the motion-picture show, the yacht bears the name "Naomi" after the character portrayed by Margot Robbie (Belfort's married woman's name was changed for the movie).

Jordan and Nadine movie and real life
In the picture (left), Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) surprises his wife (Margot Robbie) with a yacht that bears her proper name. Correct: The real Jordan and his now ex-wife relax at sea in the 1990s.

Did Belfort's yacht actually sink in a Mediterranean tempest?

Yes. In real life, Belfort's 167-human foot yacht, which was originally endemic by Coco Chanel, sunk off the coast of Italia when Belfort, who was high on drugs at the time, insisted that the captain take the boat through a tempest ( Heed to Belfort tell the story during The Room Alive's Jordan Belfort interview. As he states in the interview, his helicopter didn't fall off the boat during the storm similar in the movie. Instead, they had to push the helicopter off of the top deck of the boat to make room for the rescue chopper to drop down an Italian Navy commando.

How long did FBI amanuensis Gregory Coleman spend tracking Jordan Belfort and his firm?

FBI agent Gregory Coleman, renamed Patrick Denham for the moving picture and portrayed past actor Kyle Chandler, made tracking Belfort and his house, Stratton Oakmont, a summit priority for 6 years. In an interview (watch here), Coleman says that the factors that drew his attending to the house were "the flashiness, the brashness of their activities, the blatantness of the way they were soliciting people and cold calling people, and the number of victims that were complaining on a daily ground." -CNBC

Did Hashemite kingdom of jordan really strike his married woman?

Yep. The Wolf of Wall Street movie shows Jordan (Leonardo DiCaprio) hitting his wife (Margot Robbie) with his paw and fist. Co-ordinate to his memoir, he actually kicked his wife Nadine downwardly the stairs while he was belongings his daughter. She landed on her right side with "tremendous force."

Did Belfort really endanger his 3-year-old daughter's life by crashing his car through the garage door?

Aye. In real life, he put his daughter Chandler in the front seat of the machine without a seat belt on, before crashing it through the garage door and so driving full speed into a six-human foot-loftier limestone pillar at the edge of the driveway. Like in the motion-picture show, he was loftier at the time.

Jordan Belfort cellmate
Tommy Chong was Jordan Belfort's cellmate in prison house and encouraged him to write the book.

What was Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort's punishment?

When he was finally arrested in 1998 for coin laundering and securities fraud, Jordan Belfort was sentenced to four years in prison. This was after agreeing to wear a wire and provide the FBI with information to help prosecute diverse friends and associates. In the end, the truthful story reveals that he served but 22 months in a California federal prison. His cellmate in prison was Tommy Chong of "Cheech and Chong" fame, who was serving a nine month judgement for selling bongs.

What inspired Jordan Belfort to write his memoir?

It wasn't so much a what as it was a who. Tommy Chong (one half of "Cheech and Chong") was Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort's cellmate in prison. After laughing at some of Belfort's stories from his days running the firm, Chong encouraged him to write a book.

Why is Jordan Belfort'southward memoir filled with so many exclamations?

Jordan Belfort attempted to model his writing after Hunter Southward. Thompson (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas), who was known for using enough of exclamation points.

What happened to Belfort'south partner, Danny Porush, portrayed past Jonah Loma in the movie?

Danny Porush, renamed Donnie Azoff for the motion-picture show and played past thespian Jonah Hill, served 39 months in prison for his part in the corrupt dealings of Stratton Oakmont, the firm that he co-founded with Jordan Belfort. Porush currently runs a medical supply business organization in Florida, where he lives with his 2nd wife Lisa in a $iv one thousand thousand mansion. A 2008 Forbes article pointed out his company's fraudulent tactics, which included trying to persuade people to gild diabetic supplies and getting them to provide information virtually their physicians that could exist used to bill Medicare. A number of complaints surfaced accusing Porush'due south company of sending unsolicited packages that were accompanied past unexpected Medicare charges.

Back in 2001, Porush was arrested in connection to a fraud scheme surrounding Noble & Perrault Collectibles, a company that sold commemorative coins over the phone. Victims saw their credit cards charged repeatedly, at times for thousands of dollars, while often never receiving any merchandise for purchases that were largely unauthorized to begin with. -Dominicus Sentinel

Enjoying a well-to-do life in Florida, Daniel Porush and his wife bulldoze matching Rolls-Royce Corniche convertibles. With regard to The Wolf of Wall Street moving-picture show, Porush said, "I really accept no comment other than to say I would never attempt to profit from a criminal offense I'g so remorseful for."

I heard that Jordan Belfort is a motivational speaker, is that true?

Jordan Belfort Motivational Speaker
The real Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort became a motivational speaker and corporate consultant.

Ironically, yes. In addition to writing 2 books, The Wolf of Wall Street and its sequel Catching the Wolf of Wall Street, the real Jordan Belfort works as a motivational speaker and a private and corporate consultant. As a motivational speaker, he is sometimes paid more $thirty,000 a spoken language ( His personal website states that he is able to consult with companies on "business strategies, sales grooming, ethics in business, or how to raise venture capital."

Player Leonardo DiCaprio, who portrays Jordan in the movie, cut a brusk video to assist promote his motivational speaking concern. DiCaprio concluded the video by saying, "Jordan stands as a shining example of the transformative qualities of appetite and hard work, and in that regard, he is a truthful motivator." -Keppler Speakers

How much did Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort earn from his books and the flick?

Every bit we investigated The Wolf of Wall Street true story, we discovered that Jordan'southward books, The Wolf of Wall Street and Catching the Wolf of Wall Street, netted him a $1 million advance from Random House. He also earned $1 million for the movie rights to his story ( In a response to criticism over these profits and future profits from the flick, Jordan Belfort said the following via his Facebook page, "I am non turning over 50% of the profits of the books and the movie, which was what the government had wanted me to do. Instead, I insisted on turning over 100% of the profits of both books and the picture, which is to say, I am non making a single dime on any of this." According to Jordan, the coin is being used to pay dorsum the millions still owed to those who were scammed past his brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont.

Does Jordan Belfort have a cameo in The Wolf of Wall Street movie?

Yes, the real Jordan Belfort appears at the end of the motion-picture show as the person who introduces Leonardo DiCaprio'south character before he takes the phase at his Straight Line seminar.

Accept whatsoever other movies been based on Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort'due south story?

Yes, but only loosely. The brokerage business firm in the movie Boiler Room, released in 2000, was inspired by the illegal practices of Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort's Stratton Oakmont business firm. In the motion-picture show, actor Ben Affleck portrays Jim Immature, the Belfort-esque co-founder of the firm, who, like Jordan Belfort, trains his brokers in the "pump and dump" scheme.

The Wolf of Wall Street Interviews and Related Video

Spotter The Wolf of Wall Street flick trailer. Also, view Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort interviews and abode video footage of him speaking at a Stratton Oakmont party in the 1990s.


 Jordan Belfort Speaks at the Stratton Oakmont Christmas Political party (1994)

The existent Jordan Belfort speaks at the 1994 Stratton Oakmont Christmas party. He tells the house's employees that he is "proud" of what he has accomplished and that the employees should besides be proud of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity they take been given. At the terminate, he shares a moment with co-founder Danny Porush (Jonah Hill in the moving picture). The video was posted by Mary Detres, author of the book Master of the Straight Line, which provides an insider's business relationship of what it was similar to piece of work at the notorious brokerage firm.


 Jordan Belfort Interview

Grant Lewers interviews Jordan Belfort on The Room Live in 2010 well-nigh his memoir The Wolf of Wall Street. Belfort talks about his life and what led him to starting time his firm. He offers his four keys to success that he teaches during his seminars and he recounts various stories, including his drug addiction, the story well-nigh his yacht sinking from the book, and trying to commit suicide.

Lookout man

 FBI Agent Gregory Coleman Interview (2007)

This CNBC interview is from 2007, around the time of the release of Hashemite kingdom of jordan Belfort's first memoir The Wolf of Wall Street. Post-obit a cursory interview with Belfort, during which he describes himself equally an "arch-criminal" who was in a way a "cult leader," FBI amanuensis Gregory Coleman speaks nearly why he was and so determined to catch Belfort.


 The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer 2

The second trailer for the Martin Scorsese movie The Wolf of Wall Street, based on the autobiography of the same name by Jordan Belfort. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey and Jonah Hill.


 The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer

Martin Scorsese directs Leonardo DiCaprio in the motion-picture show adaptation of Jordan Belfort'southward memoir chronicling his life as a fast-living, corrupt stockbroker during the 1990s. Belfort'due south criminal ways defenseless up with him in 1998 when he was bedevilled of securities fraud and money laundering for which he spent 22 months in Federal Prison house.

Link-to-Learn More:

  • Jordan Belfort'southward Website
  • Danny Porush'south Website (played by Jonah Hill)
  • Mark Hanna'southward Website (played past Matthew McConaughey)
  • The Wolf of Wall Street Official Paramount Movie Site


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